Φίλτρα Αναζήτησης


Φίλτρα Αναζήτησης

Our Coffee

What happens when fine Arabica varieties from different corners of the world are united with the passion and love for coffee, through countless trials? A truly unique blend is created, with superior flavor characteristics from each variety separately.
This 100% Arabica Blend is Mikel coffee.

What happens when fine Arabica varieties from different corners of the world are
united with the passion and love for coffee, through countless trials? A truly unique
blend is created, with superior flavor characteristics from each variety separately.
This 100% Arabica Blend is Mikel coffee.


The coffee beans we process are carefully selected from partner plantations in Brazil, Central America, and Africa. Our goal is to ensure that only the best beans reach each Mikel cup, in order to achieve the desired multi-dynamic variety, smoothness and balanced taste, making our blend stand out.


The coffee beans we process are carefully selected from partner plantations in Brazil, Central America, and Africa. Our goal is to ensure that only the best beans reach each Mikel cup, in order to achieve the desired multi-dynamic variety, smoothness and balanced taste, making our blend stand out.


Water makes up 95% of the beverage. It must be filtered, free from odors and tastes, so that it does not alter the quality and texture of our coffee.
At Mikel we pay attention to every detail. In our stores, we use water filters and the reverse osmosis method.
With state-of-the-art equipment, we produce ice of excellent quality, in accordance with the technical specifications of the beverages, ensuring the required hygiene.
This is how we are able to offer you the same high-quality tasting coffee, from whichever Mikel store you choose to enjoy it.


Water makes up 95% of the beverage. It must be filtered, free from odors and tastes, so that it does not alter the quality and texture of our coffee.
At Mikel we pay attention to every detail. In our stores, we use water filters and the reverse osmosis method.
With state-of-the-art equipment, we produce ice of excellent quality, in accordance with the technical specifications of the beverages, ensuring the required hygiene.
This is how we are able to offer you the same high-quality tasting coffee, from whichever Mikel store you choose to enjoy it.


Imagine, for a moment, all the different elements that must come together to produce a single cup of good coffee. Raw materials, equipment, trained staff. Much like a musical orchestra, where it is not enough to have all musicians performing with precision, they must also synchronize in perfect harmony for the final result. This is the art of coffee.
At Mikel, the people responsible for this orchestration are called Maestros.
Through their know-how and many years of experience, they ensure that every Mikel coffee is always equally enjoyable. They have overall responsibility for the process of importing green coffee, starting from the stage of harvesting, to processing and storage, while carrying out continuous tests and sample evaluations, through the particularly demanding process of cupping.
Monitoring international trends, creating new recipes, retraining staff in new procedures and recipes, regular quality control with weekly visits to the network stores, are just some of their responsibilities with just one goal: an enjoyable and high-quality coffee.


Imagine, for a moment, all the different elements that must come together to produce a single cup of good coffee. Raw materials, equipment, trained staff. Much like a musical orchestra, where it is not enough to have all musicians performing with precision, they must also synchronize in perfect harmony for the final result. This is the art of coffee.
At Mikel, the people responsible for this orchestration are called Maestros.
Through their know-how and many years of experience, they ensure that every Mikel coffee is always equally enjoyable. They have overall responsibility for the process of importing green coffee, starting from the stage of harvesting, to processing and storage, while carrying out continuous tests and sample evaluations, through the particularly demanding process of cupping.
Monitoring international trends, creating new recipes, retraining staff in new procedures and recipes, regular quality control with weekly visits to the network stores, are just some of their responsibilities with just one goal: an enjoyable and high-quality coffee.


Mikel coffee is not only the result of the beverage, itself. It is a set of procedures and high standards followed by our highly trained people at all stages.
This why we created Mikel Academy.
An academy which aims to train baristas, both on a practical and theoretical level, from the origin of the coffee bean, process of production, cultivation and harvesting, to the final beverage.
Mikel Academies located in Athens, Thessaloniki, and Larissa function as a simulation of real conditions that a Barista will encounter in a Mikel store.
In the Academies, our experienced instructors introduce future Baristas to all the secrets of coffee from how to operate and maintain equipment to the preparation of all the beverages found in the Mikel menu.
The training, however, does not stop there as it is equally important to introduce the Baristas to our Mikel philosophy and high level of service.
One of the main ingredients of Mikel coffee is the smile of our people.


Mikel coffee is not only the result of the beverage, itself. It is a set of procedures and high standards followed by our highly trained people at all stages.
This why we created Mikel Academy.
An academy which aims to train baristas, both on a practical and theoretical level, from the origin of the coffee bean, process of production, cultivation and harvesting, to the final beverage.
Mikel Academies located in Athens, Thessaloniki, and Larissa function as a simulation of real conditions that a Barista will encounter in a Mikel store.
In the Academies, our experienced instructors introduce future Baristas to all the secrets of coffee from how to operate and maintain equipment to the preparation of all the beverages found in the Mikel menu.
The training, however, does not stop there as it is equally important to introduce the Baristas to our Mikel philosophy and high level of service.
One of the main ingredients of Mikel coffee is the smile of our people.

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